Have you been trying to fall pregnant for some time? Have you had miscarriages again and again? Are you failing at IVF?
Perhaps you’ve been told to just keep trying because it’s a ‘numbers game’ or you found out that you have the MTHFR genetic polymorphism and told it doesn’t matter?

Meet Carolyn Ledowsky
She is a naturopath, herbalist, nutritionist and researcher who has worked for over 12 years with infertility patients experiencing the same issues as you to help them achieve their goal of having a baby.
Carolyn is currently doing her PhD with the University of Technology Sydney and running a clinical trial with patients that miscarry. She is the leading practitioner and researcher in her field worldwide.
Carolyn’s unique insight into the genetic susceptibilities that affect preconception, miscarriage and fertility issues has meant that hundreds of people who were told they had infertility successfully went on to have a healthy baby. Her mission in life is to help as many couples as possible avoid having a miscarriage and the heartache that comes with that.
Carolyn’s preconception course is a unique insight into the factors that many practitioners do not understand contribute to miscarriage and so by tackling these factors one by one and over riding your unique genetic susceptibilities this allows the body to do what it needs to.

Get personalised support from one of our fertility experts.

Empowering you to take control of your fertility.

Your self paced fertility course to guide your road to pregnancy.

Access to the highest quality supplements to support your body.
Are your folate genes affecting your ability to have a baby?
We know folate is crucial in preconception and prenatal care, so understanding whether you carry MTHFR gene polymorphisms can be a game changer in your fertility journey.

Up to 50% of people can carry changes in their MTHFR genes, which can affect fertility. Are you one of them?

You’ve already uncovered that you have MTHFR and now you’re on a quest to find answers and get support.

You’ve been tested for MTHFR and you don’t have the problematic polymorphisms. What now?
But wait... what's MTHFR?
MTHFR stands for MethylenetetraHydroFolate Reductase which is a gene that makes an important enzyme that is made in the body that converts the folate that you eat into its active and biologically useful form called 5-Methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF) or methylfolate. Turning the folate from your food into 5-MTHF is essential for many functions and pathways of the body, not the least of which is to ensure you have the ability to make quality DNA when your body has to produce new cells, or, make a baby.
It is estimated that up to half of the population have inherited MTHFR polymorphisms (also commonly referred to as mutations) known as C677T or A1298C. When you’ve inherited these SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) it means your ability to make activated folate may be reduced by as much as 70%that the pathway in your body that converts folate from food, into the activated form our body needs to use can be slowed down or impaired so much that our ability to keep up with the demand needed by these pathways can be affected. This can affect people differently but can range from mood and mental health to cardiovascular health, hormonal health, and of course, fertility as it specifically can reduce the quality of the sperm and egg.
Success Stories

Rebecca Sosa

Lauren Gard

Kate Turner

Maria B.
I’m so happy to tell you Amelia Florence made her debut on 21-8-18 weighing 3.4 kg and 52 cm.
She is perfectly happy and healthy. We are beyond delighted!!!!
The birth went really well (vaginal) with no complications of stitches and I’m pretty much back to normal.
A big thank you to you for your guidance and support. Our goal was a healthy baby and we have definitely achieved it so far.
Looking forward to our next session with my little doll.

J and Baby Jake
At 42, I was very concerned about being able to get pregnant, especially with autoimmune and MTHFR issues in the mix. Allopathic fertility specialists gave me little hope, so I searched online for a natural approach and found Carolyn’s clinic.
After reviewing my case, Carolyn assured me that I still had a good chance of conceiving. I followed her preconception plan for 4 months and fell pregnant on the first try with a baby boy.
Carolyn’s expertise and support gave me the tools and confidence I needed for a successful pregnancy. I’d recommend her services to anyone struggling to conceive, or just wanting to prepare for a very healthy baby.

After suffering a miscarriage and moving to IVF my fertility doctor tested for MTHFR and then pointed me in the direction of MTHFR support Australia. I found the pre-conception course and signed up after attending a free webinar on what the course involved. I was already seeing a naturopath but the course provided me with a greater and in-depth understanding of MTHFR and how it was affected by different aspects. The course was easy to follow, and each module had great resources. I think the quality of the information provided was fantastic. It was invaluable having an expert go through my questions in relation to my blood results, and my situation. The best part for me was the monthly zoom catch-ups held by Carolyn, being able to talk directly to her and also listening to others was really tremendous.

After seeing Carolyn for a short time and following the regime tailored to each of us, we felt happier than we ever had before with the methylation support... we call these our “happy tablets” as our base level of happiness was taken up a notch! My blood tests showed marked improvements in areas that I thought would never shift e.g. thyroid improved, inflammation lowered and my GP even commented that I have a “liver of a teenager”. So for me, I’m confident that I’ve been able to slow my biological clock right down.
Best of all, we naturally conceived very happy and healthy baby! Throughout my pregnancy I felt fully supported with tweaks to my supplement regime to support me and the growth of my baby. He was born full term and we experienced no common newborn ailments. I credit this to him having everything he needed and at the right time for him to grow. Carolyn is very compassionate and provided emotional support which helped me understand the impact of stress on our attempts to conceive and hold a healthy baby. This support has continued with assistance in breastfeeding by naturally encouraging milk supply and guidance around vaccinations.

Abby and Baby Harvey
You will be so pleased to know I delivered a beautiful healthy boy last week named Harvey.
I cannot thank you enough for your amazing support - not one issue with the pregnancy - his placenta was perfect and I went to full term no blood pressure issues!! Absolutely due to the medication from MTHFR!!
I would love to book an appointment to look at my medication I should be taking now and anything you recommend for Harvey.

Truly AMAZING just about sums it up really! After finally discovering that MTHFR was the main culprit for all of my ailments (I am Compound Heterozygous), thankfully I found Carolyn and her team.. Carolyn has been on the money every step of the way with my treatment plan. I have my memory back, I have my sleep restored, I have lost weight and I have knees, for the first time ever!
After 6 miscarriages, a lifetime of short term memory loss, brain fog, unreasonable weight gain, IBS, migraines, PMS just to name a few, I had just about given up and almost resigned myself to being fat, miserable and grumpy forever – although I wouldn’t remember initially!! I felt like Dory.
Am heading for 3 months down the track and I feel better than I have my entire life. I won’t lie, it has been hard work. Chocolate and Coffee went out the window for a while. I thought my life was over! But, after a few mini meltdowns in Woolies and the discovery of RAW chocolate and Goat Milk, I am pleased to say the coffee and chocolate have returned!
I have always been proud of myself for being pretty dynamic and dedicated, I can’t wait to see just how dynamic I will be now that I am repairing my health.
My last miscarriage (my beautiful Ava Grace) was my epiphany. Ava showed me what was wrong and has been with me whilst I turn it around – for her.
Thank you Ava and thank you Carolyn xx

Anna G.
When I went to Carolyn she identified that this was as a result of an MTHFR mutation and we began making lifestyle changes to address this inclusive of herbal and vitamin supplements. We worked to limit the toxic load by making changes in personal care products and household products in addition to significant changes in diet, I was a big pasta and cheese fan but said goodbye with only positive results. The change in diet was gradual but results were seen in blood tests and in how I was feeling.
We then worked to clear out my liver and balance my hormones as I’d also decided to go off the pill around the same time I started having thyroid issues, 'just because'. My aim was to get my body ready to provide my child with the best possible environment and start in life.
So when my health problems were balanced and after taking the supplements Carolyn gave me, when the time came to ‘try’ we did it once and that was it, we know this because the next day my husband left for a month in the army reserve. We’d never ‘tried’ before.
My pregnancy was complication free and recovery has been good. There is no doubt that Carolyn has changed my life for the better and I have never been healthier thanks to her.

Would highly recommend your clinic to anyone in need.

Carolyn is helping me with my first pregnancy and I can’t be thankful enough that I have her supporting me. My obstetrician is great but very medically focused. In Carolyn I have a sounding board to talk about my health and she is always one step ahead in thinking about my care and talking to me about things my obstetrician is not. For example a safe vaccination process, preparing my body for an easier birth and helping with my energy levels. I feel very confident in her advice and very supported, which is exactly what you want when going through a first pregnancy. Thank you!

Mel D.
When I first came to see Carolyn, I was physically and emotionally in free fall. I was non functioning socially and was barely able to hold down my much needed job. Despite my best efforts to self educate and follow my Dr’s orders, I was over-methylated & undernourished and chronically stressed & depressed with my chemistry so out of whack. Due to cancer, I’d had quite a bit of my digestion removed so I needed specialized help. I also took thyroid medication – I have a lot to contend with so couldn’t afford to have someone ‘experiment’ with me.I was very impressed with Carolyn’s style as a person, practitioner and educator. She takes a personal interest but is not intrusive or judgmental. She is alternative without being a ‘hippy’ & walks the delicate balance of open minded but grounded in science. I’ve been happy that she works with my Dr’s blood tests instead of using more esoteric forms of diagnosis. I’ve also liked that Carolyn doesn’t over-prescribe supplements.My health has improved beyond measure. I’m able to eat a wider variety of foods and absorb more from them. I’m stronger & have more stamina and the debilitating depression and anxiety have gone. Carolyn has educated me to see that I was misreading my symptoms and was over medicating on my thyroid pills. I’m now more in tune with my body in general. She has explained my personal SNP’s and this knowledge has equipped me to know where my body needs support instead of just randomly throwing every latest fashionable ‘cure’ at it.Without exaggeration I can say, I’m indebted to Carolyn for giving me such solid guidance and giving me life back.

Kats B.
After struggling with chronic fatigue and post glandular fever for years, I found Carolyn who I heard specialised with MTHFR, a condition I knew I had, but didn't know how to treat. I had been trying for a second child for 4 years. I already had a 5-year-old which took us 10 years to conceive. IVF Sydney had told us that even with IVF and ICSIS our chances of conceiving were around 3%.
Within a year of being on the MTHFR program which addressed my pyrrole levels, B12, and folate status and cutting out gluten, at 43 years old, I conceived naturally and now have a 4-month-old baby. I have found Carolyn to be continually supportive of my journey. I think many people are living with undiagnosed MTHFR variants and I wish I had found out earlier!”

Susan G.
I am very thankful to be working with Alicia!
When we meet, it's always evident that she is very well prepared and has given a great deal of thought to what is going on with my health. I feel like I can talk easily, and her responses are very thoughtful and informative. I really appreciate her follow-up emails as they are prompt, comprehensive and contain very helpful information including recipes, how-to videos and directions on recommendations. This level of support is especially wonderful given that my brain needs all the help it can get at the moment.
In the last week, I feel like I've finally turned a corner with the work that we've been doing to correct my sulfation pathway. I feel much more relaxed, and I'm sleeping so much better. I'm finally starting to understand what's happening with my body, and I'm praying that my path forward continues. I thank Alicia for helping me "untangle the web" of sulfation and for helping me to learn how to support myself with both supplements and diet. Her knowledge is really amazing!
Carolyn, I know that you are there supporting Alicia... and for that I'm very grateful! Your ability to understand the complexity of all these seemingly hidden pathways is astounding to me.
I thankful to be a patient of MTHFR Support!

Monica B.
We love your MTHFR course, we loved our appointment with you and on top of it we liked you very much!…our expectations were surpassed!
It’s been more than 3 years that my 18 yr old daughter has been having hormonal and liver issues. After many failed doctor diagnosis and diverse studies I decided to take matter into my hands. I studied Health Coaching, started reading about her particular symptoms and followed them as clues that would lead me to the origin of my daughter’s issues. Finally I found you. After our appointment we both felt understood, supported and assured that you were The One who could finally help us…
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!